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5 things you need to know – November 02
- Martyn Roper was officially sworn in on Monday as Cayman’s 14th Governor and has already hit the ground running.
- Cayman’s “Mo Bros” have united this month for Movember, promoting and raising funds for men’s cancer and mental health awareness.
- Pirates Week festivities commence today! Events will take place this weekend in Cayman Brac and Grand Cayman next weekend. Don’t miss out on a full calendar of events celebrating our country’s history, culture and legends.
- We know Halloween is over, we just can’t seem to let it go! Make sure you check out favourite Halloween ads for 2018 by Burger King and Mars.
- The two legal associations, the Cayman Islands Law Society and the Caymanian Bar Association have merged creating Cayman Islands Legal Practitioners Association (CILPA) supporting people in the legal profession.

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