For the first time, Harneys has been placed as runner up for Caribbean Law Firm of the Year in the Citywealth International Finance Centre Awards 2015.

The Citywealth IFC Awards were established to highlight the excellence of advisors and managers in the private wealth sector. They are judged by an international panel of esteemed practitioners from all sectors with experience of working with advisors in all the jurisdictions covered.

“The Citywealth accolade reflects Harneys’ growing reputation for delivering innovative yet dependable solutions for private clients and families seeking to protect wealth,” said Harneys Partner Henry Mander, who leads the firm’s Cayman and British Virgin Islands (BVI) trusts practice. “Clients have been especially interested recently in our expertise in BVI VISTA trusts and Cayman STAR trusts.”

Harneys is instructed by leading international law firms, professional trust companies, leading private banks and wealthy private families on all matters relating to BVI and Cayman trusts. Its Trusts team offers solutions ranging from simple trusts to hold assets for one generation to complex trusts designed to last for multiple generations.

Cayman Reporter– February 6, 2015