Cayman FinanceCayman Finance has announced the appointment of Mr Jude Scott as its new Chief Executive Officer. Mr Scott has led a highly distinguished career within the financial services industry of over 25 years and his appointment will be well received by the industry.

Cayman Finance Chairman Mr Ian Wight confirmed the organisation – which represents the financial services industry in the Cayman Islands – was fortunate to have such a well-respected member of the community take up this vital role and help guide its strategic development over the coming years.

“Jude is well respected in the local community and internationally, having served on various Cayman Islands Government and private sector committees, including the Cayman Islands Society of Professional Accountants, the Cayman Islands Financial Services Council, the Education Council, the Insolvency Rules Committee and the Stock Exchange.”

Mr Wayne Panton, Minister of Financial Services, Commerce and Environment, welcomed Mr Scott to his new position.

“The Ministry of Financial Services and Cayman Finance have a close working relationship in jointly enhancing and preserving Cayman’s financial services industry for the jurisdiction. We are certain the appointment of such a well-credentialed individual as Mr Scott will only serve to strengthen that relationship,” he said. “Cayman Finance has a central role in representing the jurisdiction, and we look forward to working alongside Mr Scott as we continue to promote our industry at home and abroad.”

Mr Scott retired as Ernst & Young Audit Partner in 2008 where he specialised in the audits of investment funds, banks and insurance companies. As the Global Chief Executive Officer of Maples and Calder he took an active role in the strategic growth and development of the firm.

Mr Scott said he was looking forward to the challenges of his new role and to working with all local and international key stakeholders to further build on Cayman Finance’s successes.

“I look forward to ensuring this important industry receives the local and international attention, direction, and support that is essential to sustain the growth and development of the Cayman Islands as a premier international financial centre,” he said.

“Working together with excellence, innovation and balance will ensure continued success.”


The Bahamas Weekly – December 18, 2014

CNS Business – December 18, 2014

Loop Cayman – December 18, 2014

Cayman 27 – December 18, 2014

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ieyenews –  December 21, 2014

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